My Story

Let me Introduce myself, My name is Elaine Walsh (CTI) , Butttt you can call me Lainey.
I have always had a love of Dogs.. I won’t say animals, as ironically I am allergic to cats.
In 2008 I started exploring the animal sector as a career, I attended Killester College and became a qualified Vet Assistant,
Anyone who has met me knows how much of a softie i am, The heartbreak of the veterinary field was too much for lil old me to commit to,So I started looking at other ways to expand my knowledge and experience with dogs.

I volunteered with Dogs Aid for a couple of years, met some amazing dogs and also some very sad cases of abuse and neglect.
I rescued a dog from Dogs Aid, when i got her home i realised she was dog aggressive, a bicycle chaser and  eyeglasses hater among other things. I worked super hard with her and changed her view on the world through positive reinforcement, this terrified little dog now listened to my every word and was “well trained” by a young girl just winging it.
Animal Behaviour was always one of my favourite subjects in Killester, and I had been searching for years for another course that would fuel my hunger for training and learning about behaviour.

Enter Ani-ed… I cannot stress enough how amazing Ani-ed are at educating humans and dogs alike. I completed their Canine Training and Instruction and was awarded the honor of being able to use (CTI) after my name.. I plan on expanding my knowledge further by taking on their Canine Behaviour Training Technician course in the future.

I had touched on Dog Grooming in Killester. and as much as i enjoyed it then it had been a long time since id had a slicker brush in hand. I wanted to explore this area further, I Saved  my pennies and booked myself an Intensive Grooming Course with Muttugly School for Groomers in Ranelagh. I found that i really liked it, sure we had some difficult dogs some days and it wasn’t all just snuggling puppies.
It struck me how some of these dogs really became stressed at the whole grooming process, Busy salons, lots of other dogs, loud driers on and off all day, what if i could change that? Make it a calm one on one,dog to human experience, just me, the dog and a gentle loving touch,
A dream was born. I wanted to change this experience, use my knowledge on behaviour and signaling to work on dogs who became stressed during grooming.  It shouldn’t be a battle, it should be enjoyable. There’s no time to de sensitise a fearful dog in a conveyor belt type salon.. This is why i purpose built a working salon from the comfort of my own home where i can take into account the specific needs of each and every dog, and change their grooming experience for the better.

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